Modern Performance
QTP offers a 90 day warranty on their cutout. In case of any problems later down the road, they offer replacement wiring, motors, and other replacement parts.
Keegan Driggs
Is there any way that we can order just the wiring for this unit? I believe that my switch has bit the dust. :(
customer service rep
This is a universal piece and it can be installed on any vehicle as long as you have space. Your local installer can cut, and weld this onto your exhaust piping for you no problem.
Has this application been installed on a Caliber SRT4? Obviously it physically can be but wanted to know if you have witnessed first hand.
Customer Service Rep
We have not tested this ourselves on the Caliber SRT-4, however we know people have installed these on Calibers.
Sean Issert
Hey guys. I've used an electric cutout before on a turbo neon and had it fail. Is there a rated exhaust temperature imit on this? I've seen EGT's as high as 1500 degrees in my downpipe.
Customer Service Rep
The QTP cutout has a stainless steel shaft between the butterfly to the motor, and the gears that drive the cutout are made out of steel, so its designed from scratch to be able to withstand high temperatures. Its also built in the USA and not by the cheapest bidder in a far away factory. Lastly and this is most important, replacement parts are available should you ever need any, whereas other cutouts dont have replacement parts.