Go Fast Bits Diverter Valve w/ Extended Bolts (use with plate), 2012+ Fiat 500 Abarth / 2013-16 Dart 1.4L / 2015+ Renegade 1.4L, Turbo Accessories: Store Name
customer service rep
No, the GFB will work fine with the Forge plate, and we even have a kit with both together, as well as the longer bolts to connect them together to the stock turbo.
customer service rep
Many Dart owners that have tested the GFB report better response from the turbo, as less boost is lost due to the factory diverter poor sealing. We have not dyno tested, but wouldnt be suprised if we saw a few horsepower across the board of improvement.
Will this product fit on the turbo with the Forge BOV plate, since it has "extended bolts"?
customer service rep
Yes, that is exactly what we are offering. The Forge by itself comes with new bolts but they are too short to use with the GFB, so we have special new bolts that allow you to use the Forge and the GFB together.
If I already have the forge diverter plate does the go fast diverter connect to the forge ?
customer service rep
No, this combo will work great. The GFB will seal a lot better than the factory seal so you'll hold boost pressure, and build boost faster, and the Forge plate will sound like a blow off valve. Its a win win!
If I have the forge BOV already will the screws with this GFB kit fit or do I have to buy extended screws as well?
Customer Service Rep
There are four sizes of bolts used in the Dart/Fiat 1.4 Turbo as far as the diverter goes.
1) Stock (shortest)
2) GFB (longer)
3) MPx/Forge spacers (even longer)
4) Our extended bolts for use with MPX/Forge Spacers and GFB (longest)
The screws that come with the GFB kit are not long enough to use with the MPx/Forge spacers and you need to buy the extended bolts.
No forge plate
If I were to purchase this and I don't have the forge plate, will I have to use the stock bolts?
Customer Service Rep
If you want to use the GFB with no MPx/Forge spacer noisemaker, then you should just buy the GFB GoFastBits kit by itself, and without the longer bolts. We offer the GFB kit by itself, and with longer bolts.