MPx Billet Aluminum 2.4 Neon/SRT-4/PT Lower Alternator Bracket

Model Number: 221155-LOWER

If you have big camshafts, or removed balance shafts, or bad luck, (or all three) then there is a chance you might have had a cracked lower alternator bracket. It starts with a weird rattling noise, then you might even have problems tensioning the belt on the alternator. Low and behold you might ultimately find that you have a cracked cast aluminum OEM bracket.

This happens a lot more often than we would like. So, after Mopar decided to discontinue the OEM bracket, we decided to go ahead and make an all aluminum, billet, MADE IN THE USA bracket.

This bracket works on all 1995-2000 non turbo 2.4 engines frequently swapped into Neons as well as the turbo model 2.4 found in the 2003-2005 Dodge SRT-4 and 01-10 PT Cruiser (Turbo and Non Turbo). Reuse your old mounting bolts.

MPx Billet Aluminum 2.4 Neon/SRT-4/PT Lower Alternator Bracket, Ignition & Electrical: Store Name

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