DEI Reflect-A-GOLD Heat Reflective Tape for Intakes, Piping, Etc.

Model Number: 601184

Reflect-A-GOLD™ solves the problem of heat soak into air boxes, seats, firewalls, transmission tunnels and intakes.

Reflect-A-GOLD is a metalized polyamide polymer laminated glass cloth with a high temperature pressure sensitive adhesive for use in extreme temperature swing environments. It is lightweight and easy to apply and won't lift off. Highly effective material for firewalls, fuel cells, engine covers, under hoods, engine compartment, bulk heads, seat bottoms & anything or area that needs protection from heat.

  • Handles continuous temps up to 800 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Resists UV degradation for long-term performance
  • Adhesive protected by release liner rated up to 325 degrees Fahrenheit
  • 0.0065" thick
  • Easy to apply, won't lift off
  • 2" wide roll, 15 feet in length.
  • $44.99
    DEI Reflect-A-GOLD Heat Reflective Tape for Intakes, Piping, Etc., Air Intake : Store Name

    Ask a Product Question

    • Jean-Philippe Lessard
      Can i take that to insulate my coolant hose from the oil cooler to protect it against my tubular manifold ?? Tight space between manifold and coolant hose and the thickness is really 0.0065 and not 0.065 right ???
      1 Answer
      • Customer Service Rep

        This tape is supposed to be adhered to non flexible items like metal/aluminum/plastic. A rubber hose might flex/expand and this is really not designed for that. It may work for a while but then ultimately fall off. You should look at a sleeve of some sort or fixed shield that bolts onto something to protect from heat. Yes, DEI quotes .0065 thickness.