OEM Flexplate Components, Crankshaft Bolts, Flexplate Bolts 03-05 Neon SRT-4

Model Number: 220188-

You can buy individual components on this page if you have a flexplate already. These are all OEM components to complete your kit. If you are looking for a complete kit or just the flexplate alone please see our other listing.

  • OEM Driveplate Backing
  • OEM Crank Bolts (8 Required, these are sold individually)
  • OEM Flexplate Bolts (4 Required, these are sold individually)

This is intended for Neon SRT-4 owners who have previously converted from a modular style clutch to a non-modular style clutch, and are now interested in converting back to a modular style clutch, but no longer have the factory flexplate.

Modular Clutches - Flexplate Required

  • Mopar OEM
  • Clutch Masters w/ Steel Flywheel
  • South Bend

Non-Modular Clutches - Flexplate NOT Required

  • Clutch Masters w/ Lightweight Flywheel
  • ACT

If you are looking for a complete kit or just the flexplate alone please see our other listing.

NOTE: The flexplate can only be installed one way. The bolt spacing is different, and so the bolt holes will only line up one way. This means you have a one in 8 chance of getting it right at first. If it doesn't line up then keep spinning it around until it lines up! We have seen people drill out or oval the mounting holes when they didn't understand some holes are offset, and then they had terrible balance/vibration issues. It also cannot be installed backwards as the holes wont line up. So if you line it up with the crankshaft and the holes don't line up, then keep spinning it until all of the holes perfectly line up.

OEM Flexplate Components, Crankshaft Bolts, Flexplate Bolts 03-05 Neon SRT-4, Clutches & Flywheels: Store Name

Ask a Product Question

  • Normandy Ventura
    Which option do i choose? Thinking of doing a south bend and going away from spec clutch. Do i need flex to crank bolt or flex to clutch bolt?
    1 Answer
    • Customer Service Rep

      If your clutch has an aluminum flywheel, and has the starter ring teeth built into the flywheel, then you wont need a flexplate. If you do not see starter ring teeth on the flywheel, and you have a regular cast iron flywheel then you need a flexplate.