Dodge Hornet battery disconnected, check engine codes U1504, U0428
One day we were working on our Hornet and we disconnected the battery for about 20-30 minutes.
After reconnecting the battery, the instrument cluster lit up like a christmas tree with a bunch of different lights and warnings about ESC unavailable, check Forward Collision Warning, and Have Power Steering checked. (The photo shown on this page was what our instrument cluster looked like!!
We then checked the engine codes and saw a total of 6 different check engine lights with codes U1504 and U0428, related to steering angle sensor.
At first we thought there was a steering angle sensor failure of some sort, but after looking more into this, if your Dodge Hornet battery is disconnected for more than a few minutes, you will need to do a steering wheel recalibration since this car has electric power steering.
This is the recalibration procedure:
1) Reattach battery cable if its still disconnected.
2) Start car, turn steering all the way to the left and then to the right a few times. You'll feel the steering wheel nudge back a little when at full turn.
3) Turn car off.
4) Press start button (But do not put foot on the brake to start engine). Push the throttle pedal slowly all the way to full throttle and back three times. This is also the oil life reset method.
5) Turn ignition off
6) Then start the engine.
Thats it! Your steering is now re-calibrated and you should have no more check engine lights on for the power steering system.