AGP Adjustable Wastegate Actuator, 03-05 Neon SRT-4

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Model Number: 220116

Ever notice how your car always seems to drop boost from 5-6k rpms ? Have a boost controller, and notice how it doesn't matter how high you turn the boost up too, it always falls back down to 13-14 psi ?

This piece is what you need. You see, the factory wastegate actuator is a very weak piece and not only begins to open at 4 psi, but it cant hold the wastegate closed very well on higher boost settings. This piece, is designed to not open until 14 psi, so not only will it hold boost better, but it will give you more consistent, non drop off type boost drops at higher rpms like the factory one does as its much stronger.

NOTE:AGP is now shipping their wastegates with a preinstalled 8lb spring(which works fantastic with stock ecu, and Diablosport tunes), and they include a EXTRA 12lb and 19lb spring in case you ever decide to increase the boost and want higher boost levels. For most SRT4 owners, the factory installed spring will work just fine though.

Note: From around 2005 to around 2015, AGP engraved their logo onto the wastegate body. That was discontinued sometime around 2015, and they are shipping the wastegate without the engraving now.

AGP Adjustable Wastegate Actuator, 03-05 Neon SRT-4, Wastegate Actuators: Store Name
  • Franklin D
    Is there anyway to test a factory WG to see if its weak or wore out, before i buy this one?
    1 Answer
    • customer service rep

      Because of the way the wastegate is designed, if it fails, or is "worn out" it will cause huge boost spikes, or very high boost numbers. If a wastegate is not working correctly it will NEVER have low boost, or zero boost. Low boost pressure or zero boost is normally caused by leaks, hoses that came loose, etc.
  • Mike
    Can this be used with the Syked ECU (Similar to Mopar stage 1)?
    1 Answer
    • customer service rep

      Yes of course, this will work with stock pcms/ecu, Syked ECU stage 1, Mopar stage 1.
  • John
    i recently purchased and installed the agp wastegate for my stock 05 srt4 acr edition due to my wastegate failing i now have an over boosting code being thrown po234 just wondering why it is doing this any suggestions? thanks
    1 Answer
    • customer service rep

      If your 03-05 SRT4 has a stock computer, and or you dont have any pcm flash from Diablosport, or SCT, then you'll get a check engine light once you increase the boost over 16 psi or so. So, we recommend turning down the actuator so you dont overboost to start.
  • Robert majeski
    I have a stock 05 srt4 intake and full 3" catless exhaust. Can I run this waste gate without a tune and just let the pcm control it?
    1 Answer
    • customer service rep

      This wastegate is really designed to eliminate pcm control. You can still use it with the factory solenoids/vacuum hosing and with the pcm control, however boost levels could be pretty high. We would not recommend connecting this to the factory vacuum line, the instructions that come with this tell you to connect a vacuum line from the turbo directly to the wastegate to eliminate pcm control of boost. The exception to this, is if you are using the Diablosport, then you can use this on the pcm control, and with factory solenoids and vacuum lines.
  • Stephen S.
    What would I have to do to make this work with a Mopar Stage 2 SRT4? Do any vacuum lines need to be re-routed? My car is stock with the exception of a CAI and the stage 2.
    1 Answer
    • customer service rep

      Use the 12 psi spring and it will work great just like the stage 2 wastegate actuator. Use your factory vacuum lines just like stock.
  • Larry
    I have a 2005 srt-4 Would this work good with a syked ecu and if I changed the injectors to 750cc with a walbro pump would I see a difference in boost and horsepower
    1 Answer
    • customer service rep

      You can use the AGP Wastegate with the Syked ecu perfectly. DO NOT change the injectors, no need for walbro fuel pump. Yes, you'll notice boost building up faster, and a more responsive SRT4.
  • Dakota Moats
    I have the Turbo XS High Performance Boost Controller, as well as the Mopar Stage 1 kit. Will I notice a difference with this? In other words, is this item a good buy for me?
    1 Answer
    • customer service rep

      The AGP wastegate is stronger than the factory wastegate. So, it will build up boost faster and it will hold more peak boost than the oem wastegate actuator.
  • Jason
    I have a syked stage 1 pcm and I have the agp wastegate. My question is can I run the agp wastage on the 8psi spring on pcm controlled boost?
    1 Answer
    • customer service rep

      Syked ECU can run with the 12 psi spring no problem. The 8 psi spring is designed to work with the Diablosport tune.
  • Lucas Hansen
    My srt4 has a manual boost controller and dsp tuner. If I get this wastegate do I need to retune the dsp?
    1 Answer
    • customer service rep

      If you want to use a Diablosport Intune (Or Trinity) along with a AGP wastegate you'll need to use the 8 psi spring. The wastegate has been including the 8 psi spring pre-installed since around 2014, so if you install it out of the box, you can use it with the DSP no problem.
  • R.J. Dorsey
    If i have intake and a diablosport predator tune why would i have to run the 8lb wastegate spring?
    1 Answer
    • customer service rep

      If you use the diablosport predator with the tune pre-loaded onto it you'll need a stock wastegate actuator, or the AGP wastegate actuator with 8psi Spring. This is because the intune is designed for stock wastegate spring pressures (8psi) and if you have a stronger spring you'll have way too high of a boost pressure.
  • Brandon Glowark
    I got a wastegate used. how do i know what spring is in it? im new to the srt4 world
    1 Answer
    • Customer Service Rep

      The best way to test your wastegate is to hook up a air compressor line to your wastegate and adjust the pressure from 0-20 psi and once you see the wastegate arm move, look at your pressure and you'll know what spring you have. Ie, if it moves at 8psi, its 8psi spring, if it moves at 12 psi, its 12 psi spring, etc.
  • Ty
    What spring should I use with the mopar stage 1 pcm?
    1 Answer
    • Customer Service Rep

      The 8 psi spring wont do anything for you as its the same as factory and that's designed for Diablosport use like we mentioned above. The 12 psi spring is best, and gives 15-17 psi of boost easily. The 19 psi spring is too high for most applications.
  • shane
    can u run the red spring on a stock turbo and aem tru boost controller
    1 Answer
    • Customer Service Rep

      Sure, but that would be redundant, because the boost controller raises boost, and the wastegate actuator will do that as well. So, most likely you would not need to use the boost controller, try the AGP wastegate first by itself. We'd recommend trying the green spring first to get a feel for it and then evaluate if you want to try the red spring.
  • Mike
    Hi, Is there any benefit of buying this waste-gate while using dsp intune?
    Both stock and agp got 8psi spring in it.
    So whats the difference?
    1 Answer
    • Customer Service Rep

      The factory wastegate starts to open at 4 psi. The AGP wastegate with the 8 psi spring (best spring for use with the Diablosport) will make boost build up even faster than with the stock wastegate.
  • Garrett
    What spring works best with a diablo sport Trinity?
    1 Answer
    • Customer Service Rep

      Diablosport Intune, Diablosport Trinity, Diablosport Predator, no matter what Diablosport product you have, if you are using a tune from a Diablosport product its best to use the 8 psi spring with the AGP wastegate actuator.
  • Huebert
    Will this fit on a PT Cruiser GT?
    1 Answer
    • Customer Service Rep

      No, this will not work on the PT Cruiser GT. As of 6/20/17 we have the AGP Stage 2 wastegate that will work on the PT Cruiser GT/Turbo. Search for model 220116-stage2 in the search bar.
  • Zacharie Audet

    Did I have an advantage to bought this wastegate actuator versus the AGP Stage 2 WGA if I want to keep the boost control from the PCM?

    1 Answer
    • Customer Service Rep

      The stage 2 wastegate is cheaper than the AGP regular wastegate, and it looks like a factory wastegate in case you want it to look stock. The benefit of the regular AGP wastegate is that you can change the springs inside for different spring pressures. You cannot do that with the AGP stage 2 wastegate.
  • Robert Mahoney
    Two questions:
    1. Is it better to go with this upgrade first before using a tuner?(My funds are limited to either this or the tuner and I want to make the smartest purchase)
    2. Do you have to be CLOSE TO or at WOT to achieve full boost? When I'm partial WOT(slightly getting on it)I kind of boost surge or only have 5 -10 psi boost on the gauge. Is this still the signs of a failing wastegate actuator? Thank-you!
    1 Answer
    • Customer Service Rep

      1) Wastegate is cheaper, and will work wether you are on stock pcm, or have a tuner. We recommend going with the wastegate.
      2) You can be at part throttle or full throttle and get to full boost.

      Its 2018, going on 15 years of SRT-4 Neons and we have yet to see a stock wastegate fail yet. Read our blog post:
  • Daniel
    Hi I just purchased this WG. I have a factory stage 2 with a few bolt on's I just wanted to know if I could use the 12 pound spring off pcm boost. I also have Diablo tune installed already. Thank you
    1 Answer
    • Customer Service Rep

      8psi spring is designed for pcm controlled boost. If you don't want pcm controlled boost you can do whatever spring you want, 12 psi spring would work fine.
  • chance
    this is for a stock turbo. does it still run fine with the syked stage 1 ecu
    1 Answer
    • Customer Service Rep

      The Syked stage 1 ecu is the same thing as Mopar stage 1, and we mentioned earlier that it will work great with Mopar stage 1, so yes you are good!
  • chance
    with this wastegate with my Diablosport T2 tuner for boost by gear since i have to use the 8psi spring for it will it still allow me to run upwards of 20psi even with a 8psi spring?
    1 Answer
    • Customer Service Rep

      The factory boost control solenoid controls the boost pressure in conjunction with the wastegate actuator. So, it sounds weird that a 8psi spring would allow you to have 15-20+ psi, but it will, because the solenoid is adjusting to the desired boost pressure. Yes, you will still have the boost by gear with the 8 psi spring with the Diablosport tune. If you use a higher psi spring than the 8 psi recommended spring with Diablosport you'll have overboosting, and loss of traction. In order to optimize traction with the Diablosport and make it run perfect, use the 8 psi spring like we have recommended dozens of times on this page.
  • Lino Marroquin
    I currently have installed the agp wastegate with yellow spring , but would like to get the other two springs (green and red) do you sell just the springs.
    1 Answer
    • Customer Service Rep

      As of 1/11/19 we do not sell the other springs seperately. They can be bought from AGP turbo directly.
  • Zak Neufeld
    I have a diablo tuner, and want to delete the vacuum lines, and run it through wastegate boost would this work if I had a 3 bar map/tip sensor, and bov, and install the tune from the diablo?
    1 Answer
    • Customer Service Rep

      If you have a Diablosport tuner on your Neon SRT-4, the absolute worst thing you could ever do, is remove your vacuum solenoids and lines. This is because the biggest benefit of the Diablosport is that it has stepped boost levels for maximum traction. If you delete the vacuum lines, there is no more pcm control of boost and you'd basically have 15 psi, or 18 psi in every gear, which is worthless in 1st or 2nd gear.

      With that being said, we recommend you leave the solenoids and lines in place, and use this wastegate with 8 psi spring for improved boost response.
  • Felix Chavez
    So I'm considering buying this wastegate. My neon is full bolt-ons on a diablosport 91 tune. I do generally consider leaving it PCM controlled would it be recommended to leave the 8psi spring in it until it is fully tuned. Or would it be fine to have one of the other 2 springs in it?
    1 Answer
    • Customer Service Rep

      If you want stepped boost levels for improved traction (IE, 8psi in first, 12 psi in second gear, 15 psi in third gear, 18 psi in fourth, etc, then you will need to use the 8psi spring. This is designed for use with the stock pcm, or for use with Diablosport/SCT tunes, etc. Then for those of you guys that want to bypass factory boost control and want 15/18/20 psi in every gear, then you use the stronger springs and adjust the wastegate turnbuckle to your desired setting.