CBD Carbon Fiber Air Induction Hood, 03-05 Neon SRT-4
Model Number: 220732
See notes on freight costs at the bottom of this page.
One of the most aggressive looking hoods on the market today for the SRT-4 is here! The CBD Carbon Fiber Air Induction Hood has a widened front hood scoop and a set of heat extractors on each side. The underside is fiberglass molded after the stock hood with funneling from the front scoop to the area over the turbo. The top side is carbon fiber with no washer nozzles drilled. Works with the stock latch, hood pins are recommended.
Note: These are shipped directly from CBD. The lead time on this item is 3-6 weeks for completion. These items are made to order as they do not keep these in stock.
Our website is not very good at calculating freight costs for big items like this, so if you have a hood and trunk, or hood plus other Fedex shippable items, you may get an error rate, or some outrageous amount. We recommend ordering freight items like this by themselves and then place a separate order for Fedex/USPS shipped items. If you have several freight items, like a hood and trunk you want to buy, we recommend ordering the hood by itself, and then contacting us by phone and adding the trunk, as we can get you a much better rate. Typically we can ship a hood and trunk combo for about $550 but our website may charge a lot more.