Mopar OEM TPS Sensor, 03-05 Neon SRT-4

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Model Number: 220224-TPS
If you own a 2003-2005 Dodge SRT-4 and have noticed the following problems, it might be time to replace your throttle position sensor (TPS) on your throttle body.

  • Inconsistent throttle response between engine and the gas pedal
  • Odd surging, or delays related to throttle. You could be holding the gas pedal consistently, but yet the car is speeding up.
  • We sell tons of these to customers that bought one a cheap aftermarket one from a local auto parts store, only to have it not fix the tps issue, or have it fail in a short timeframe. Save yourself time and frustration, buy a quality Mopar OEM TPS sensor and get the job done right!

    Mopar OEM TPS Sensor, 03-05 Neon SRT-4, Throttle Body & Intake Manifold: Store Name

    Ask a Product Question

    • rogelio
      Will this fit the connector from your tps rewire kit. I bought a tps but the connector wouldn't fit the sensor.
      1 Answer
      • customer service rep

        If you bought a TPS sensor and the OEM connector didn't fit, its because you didn't buy a Neon SRT4 TPS sensor. We offer only OEM Mopar TPS sensors and they fit perfectly with the oem wiring.
    • James Fox
      Would a bad TPS cause you to have a check engine light for a overboost code?
      1 Answer
      • customer service rep

        No, if you have any problems with a TPS Sensor, you'll have an erratic driving sensation, and or a poor idle.
    • Brandon
      Are these tps plug and play or will they need to be calibrated? I have an 04 nsrt4
      1 Answer
      • Customer Service Rep

        There is no calibration needed. You can remove your old one and replace it, and immediately drive your car.
    • david peters
      My srt4 holds a rev at around 1500 rpm when the clutch is in, then revs up with the clutch out. Also smokes when I accelerate. And the acceleration is jerky unresponsive like described above. Will this fix that issue?
      1 Answer
      • Customer Service Rep

        The proper way to diagnose your car is to hook up a scan tool and look at the voltage coming from the sensor, or check your codes in the pcm for faults. What you have described sounds like a bad TPS sensor but could be other issues as well like a vacuum leak, etc. It could be TPS, or even TPS wiring, its best to have your car idling in neutral and shake the wiring going to the TPS/IAC to make sure its not either of those wirings.
    • ekhatchy
      hello can I use 220224-TPS this produce on my pt turbo, will it work beeing that it has the srt4 motor?
      1 Answer
      • Customer Service Rep

        No, this sensor does not work on the PT Turbo.