AEM UEGO Digital Air Fuel Ratio Wideband Gauge

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Model Number: 601617

If you've done modifications to your car and you want to accurately monitor how its running, this is the piece you need! This allows you to make sure the engine isnt running lean and make sure its running well.

AEM's Wideband UEGO Air/Fuel mixture ratio gauge features an LED readout and sweeping LED "needle" that changes colors as AFR changes from rich to lean.

The unit's 52mm 2-1/16") gauge housing fits in most gauge pods and can be remotely mounted virtually anywhere. Create four different looks with one kit to match your interior!

  • No laptop required for monitoring
  • Bosch sensor included!
  • 24 Color-coded LED display lights provide immediate reference to engine's air/fuel ratio (AFR) or Lambda
  • Integrated three-digit display reveals AFR or Lambda in real time
  • User-programmable 0-5v analog output included for use with data loggers and ANY engine management system
  • Does not oscillate AFR like narrow band sensors
  • Serial data stream included for output of AFR (RS 232)
  • Accurate to 0.1 AFR
  • $184.00
    AEM UEGO Digital Air Fuel Ratio Wideband Gauge, Air Fuel Ratio Gauges & Accessories: Store Name

    Ask a Product Question

    • Daniel
      How do you install the gauge without welding or drilling a new spot for the 02 sensor? What way can you put the O2 sensor into the stock O2 sensor's spot and not throw any codes? I want to purchase this product but I don't want to do any drilling or welding, and I don't want to buy an entirely new exhaust with a bung for it installed.
      1 Answer
      • Modern Performance

        Installing the oxygen sensor is very straightforward, the AEM UEGO comes with a bung, and if you drive your car to a local muffler shop they can easily drill a hole into your downpipe, weld the bung in and you then wire up the gauge.
    • Roy
      Is this a plug in play into my factory o2 sensor hole, and do I need a special tune to make this work
      1 Answer
      • Modern Performance

        The ONLY way you'd ever want to use this in a factory 02 sensor hole is if you have removed the cat and are no longer using the downstream sensor.

        In ALL other cases, we highly recommend you drill a new hole in the downpipe and weld on the oxygen sensor bung thats provided in the kit. Then, install the gauge and wiring and you're good to go!
    • Steve
      Does this come with instructions on how to install and mount on your A-pillar pod?
      1 Answer
      • customer service rep

        There are general instructions in the box from AEM. The instructions are not car specific.
    • Dwight
      It is not clear from the instructions. Where do you connect the two wires for logging? On a 2005 Dodge Neon Srt-4, do you wire them into the obdII port?
      1 Answer
      • customer service rep

        The Ground (Black) and Serial Output (Blue) from the UEGO harness need to be spliced into a Serial to USB cable. On a nine pin serial connector the blue wire would be soldered into pin 2's position and the black to pin 5. The USB end will simply plug into your laptop.
    • Jerry
      Is this the 30-4100 or the newer 30-4110?
      1 Answer
      • customer service rep

        As of this writing, 12/3/14 it is the newer version UEGO with newer oxygen sensor. There is no benefit to older or newer oxygen sensor, this change was made due to AEM having supply issues with older sensor manufacturer.
    • Gene
      Is this the 4.2 or 4.9 Bosch sensor?
      1 Answer
      • customer service rep

        This kit uses the 4.9 Bosch sensor.
    • Cam
      I have a full borla exhaust. Will placing the oxygen sensor for this gauge past the resonator in the down pipe give me a bad reading on the gauge? Or should I put it up before the resonator?
      1 Answer
      • Customer Service Rep

        For a air/fuel ratio sensor to be most accurate, it should be placed as close to the engine as possible, and before a catalytic convertor. We prefer to install wideband sensors within 12 inches of the engine if not closer.
    • Peter
      As I understand it, I would not have to tap into the car's wiring harness, correct? The gauge just needs power and ground, and a connection to the sensor obviously. Thanks
      1 Answer
      • Customer Service Rep

        Correct, this does not tap into any factory wiring. It has its own wiring harness to connect to the battery (or other source of switched power). You also connect to the oxygen sensor which you must drill a hole, weld the oxygen sensor bung onto and install the oxygen sensor into. There are output wires from the uego in case you want to datalog with a laptop or other device but those are optional and not required for use.
    • Camero
      Does this o2 sensor just replace the o2 sensor that's already there or do I actually have to drill and install the extra bung?
      1 Answer
      • Customer Service Rep

        All cars have a upstream o2 sensor that is before the catalytic convertor and one after the catalytic convertor. The upstream tells the pcm how the engine is running, the downstream monitors the catalytic convertor efficiency. If you have a stock pcm tune and remove the downstream, you'll get a check engine light. If you have some sort of aftermarket tune that does not monitor the downstream o2 sensor, you can remove the o2 sensor and plug in the AEM Uego oxygen sensor. Or, you can just drill in a hole and weld in the bung that is provided with the AEM Uego to mount the AEM Uego sensor.
    • Dakota
      This comes with all of the wiring needed correct?
      1 Answer
      • Customer Service Rep

        Yes, exactly as shown in the photo. Gauge, Power wiring, Sensor wiring, sensor, and related hardware.