AGP 2/4/R Gear Extender, 03-05 Neon SRT-4

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Model Number: 220181-EXTENDER-2/4

Are you having a hard time finding 2nd and 4th gear? Install one of these 2/4/R billet extenders, and get the extra throw needed to fully engage those gears. Even though this piece resembles the AGP billet steel shift selector, dimensionally it is different to allow that extra engagement. Now you can get the billet shift selector and extender all in one piece. Made from hardened tool steel, this will last a lifetime.

In most cases, this piece will cure your grinding and pop out problems.

NOTE1: This item and the AGP shift selector we offer replace the same piece in the transmission. So, you cannot buy the AGP shift selector AND this 2/4/R extender to install at the same time. You can only use one.

Note2: We have cleaned up this item for photo purposes. You may not receive one this clean as they tend to oxide over time as they sit on the shelf. This will not cause any installation issues, the part will work as it should once installed properly.

AGP 2/4/R Gear Extender, 03-05 Neon SRT-4, Transmission: Store Name

Ask a Product Question

  • Isachs
    Can this exteder for 2/4 gear be used together with 1/3/5 extender?
    I have problem with all gears, but 2/3 are popping up and grinding quite often.
    Thank you.
    1 Answer
    • customer service rep

      Yes, you can use the 2/4 extender with the 1/3/5 extender.
  • andrew moen
    can you use the agp forged shift selector with this or are they the same casue they look very similiar what are the differences if their are any
    1 Answer
    • customer service rep

      The shift selector and this piece replace the same factory component. You can only use one or the other, either the AGP shift selector or this 2/4 extender if you have 2/4 synchro issues.
  • Fredy Rodriguez
    I was wondering if the 2/4 gear extender also for reverse?
    1 Answer
    • Customer Service Rep

      Yes, the extender is for 2nd gear, 4th gear, and reverse.
  • Ramses
    So this could replace the shift selector instead of getting the billet shift selector
    1 Answer
    • Customer Service Rep

      Yes, you can either use the AGP shift selector, or this extender if you have problems with 2/4/R gears. The extender for 2/4/R is the same piece as the shift selector except its shorter in length.
  • Fernando
    Does this extender come with a pin other than the factory rolled metal?
    1 Answer
    • Customer Service Rep

      This does not come with a new pin, reuse your old one.