Calico Rod Bearing Anti-Friction Coating Service
Model Number: 601811
This listing is an add on service for any rod bearing purchase. You must purchase rod bearings PLUS this Calico coated bearings to get Calico coated bearings. Please note that this service takes about 2 weeks after purchase for delivery to you. After you place the order, we send these out to Calico, then they send the bearings to you directly.
We are proud to offer Calico Anti-Friction Coatings ( Engine friction surface coatings have been shown to increase power by 2-3% due to the reduced friction compared to raw aluminum/steel faces.
Here is a snippet from Calico Coatings website:
Crew chiefs, engine builders and drivers rely on Calico's CT-1 Coating to reduce friction under the hood, providing them more speed. Engines overheating to the point of oil "breakdown" have avoided total destruction of expensive components such a blocks, rods and crankshafts due to the secondary lubrication provided by the .0002 and .0004 inch layer of CT-1.
We offer these coatings on a custom order basis, and it typically takes two weeks for bearing or piston sets to be coated and shipped to you. We make it easy for you to purchase a set of pistons or bearings, have them coated, and shipped directly to you!