Megan Lowering Springs, 95-99 Neon

Model Number: 221310

Megan Racing Performance Lowering Springs are constructed of SAE 9254 Cold Wounded Steel, one of the strongest materials available. The high tensile strength and phosphate powder coating delivers outstanding spring rates that are extremely durable and resist premature sagging. The result is a spring that specifically offers racecar handling, yet maintains smooth and comfortable ride characteristics. Carefully matched springs rates provide exceptional handling, response, control and balance. These springs offer a generous drop to your car while remaining very streetableby having enough clearance to avoid bottoming-out; and the lowered center of gravity improves performance and increases stability, as well as enhancing the appearance of the vehicle.

Lower rate: 1.75" Front, 1.75" Rear

Megan Lowering Springs, 95-99 Neon, Springs & Struts: Store Name

Ask a Product Question

  • Jay
    These will technically work on any 2nd generation (2000-2005) neon correct?
    1 Answer
    • Customer Service Rep

      These are designed for 95-99 Neons. We have heard about people swapping springs back and forth between 95-99 Neons and 00-05 Neons, but its not advised. Furthermore, the first gen springs are a lot less tall compared to second gen, and so if you put first gen springs onto a second gen strut assembly, it could lower the second gen by a massive amount - ie, 4-6 inches or more. Do not attempt this, just get second gen springs instead.
  • Ned Branson
    What is the spring rates of these springs?
    1 Answer
    • Customer Service Rep

      Megan has never published spring rates. In fact, most spring manufacturers don't publish spring rates.