Mopar Oil Filter to Oil Pan Adapter, 03-05 Neon SRT-4

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Model Number: 220194-ADAPTER

This is the OEM Mopar oil filter to oil pan adapter for 03-05 dodge neon SRT-4. This is a nice OEM replacement or the 03-05 Neon SRT-4 or if you are doing to 2.4L swap and are looking to convert to the SRT-4 oiling system this is a must!

The early build 2003 SRT-4's had smaller oil passages which is not desired. This is the latest build oil filter to oil pan adapter and it has larger oil passages.


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Mopar Oil Filter to Oil Pan Adapter, 03-05 Neon SRT-4, Oiling System: Store Name

Ask a Product Question

  • Mike
    Hi Guys,
    I was watching one of the videos on your site. They mentioned that the housing you would want has a part # that ends in "AD". Is this one of the "AD" housings and has it been deburred inside?
    1 Answer
    • customer service rep

      As of 5/5/15 this is the 998AD part number, yes. In the future, this could very well be a 998AE, 998F, etc part number though. The 998AD is much smoother on the inner bore than the earlier models, yes.
  • Hunter
    Does it come with the gasket that goes between the adaptor and the pan?
    1 Answer
    • Customer Service Rep

      No, the gasket is not included, its sold seperately.
  • Michael
    Is this the oil cooler delete option? Or is this just the replacement part
    1 Answer
    • Customer Service Rep

      This is the OEM oil filter adapter that allows the oil filter to be screwed into the side of the oil pan. The oil cooler screws onto this piece. If you are wanting to delete your oil cooler, you'd remove the oil cooler from this adapter, and then have to cap off the oil lines that went to the oil cooler.
  • dan
    do I need to enlarge the inside like ed peters mention in the video
    1 Answer
    • Customer Service Rep

      Doing port work to this piece is not absolutely necessary, but its nice to have done. For those of you not familiar with what Dan is asking about- retired Chrysler engineer Ed Peters did some tech talks at our office and we recorded them and put them on youtube. In the video he recommends cleaning up some of the machining on the inside of the oil filter to oil pan adapter.