Looking for a replacement ECU? 2003-2005 Dodge SRT-4

Looking for a replacement ECU? 2003-2005 Dodge SRT-4

We get people calling us often, asking for a replacement ecu for their Neon SRT-4.

We have found that probably a solid 90% of people wanting a replacement ecu don't need a new ecu, they have wiring issues, issues with the connectors going into the ecu, or even sensor issues, and they assume its a ecu problem. Its really important if you have some sort of electronic issue, to be able to check your engine codes, and even do some testing with a multi tester to see if its a wiring issue. Also, it doesn't hurt to inspect the connectors going into the ecu to make sure there is no damage or melted wiring/pins.

If you are sure you need a new ecu, here is what you need to know. Obviously the Neon SRT-4 was made from 2003-2005, however the ecu's are different between 2003 and the 2004/2005 models. You can use 2004-2005 ecu's in 2003, but the 2003 computers can only be used in 2003's.

Next, the ecu's have what is called a skim key. There is a security chip in the key that communicates with a antenna that is shaped like a O ring around the key slot. The vin number that is programmed into the ecu must match the vin number of the car. If you have a ecu from a different car, it will not run your SRT-4. So, if you get a new ecu, its important you have it flashed with your vin number so your car will run.

There are sellers on Ebay that can help get you a new ecu. Just type into the search bar on Ebay: Neon SRT4 ECU. On Ebay you'll find ecus that are sold by themselves, and ecu's that are sold with your vin number custom flashed into the ecu, that they will ship to your door. Its best to buy the ecu's that are flashed with your vin to save time.

Lastly, if you were originally looking for a ecu for a performance upgrade, its really best to buy a Diablosport Intune or Trinity, as those will work with your ecu you have now, and will increase the performance, and will allow for future custom tunes, if needed.

Looking for a replacement ECU? 2003-2005 Dodge SRT-4, Electronics: Store Name
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