Steering Column Pod 00-05 Neon / SRT-4

Model Number: 220514-COLUMN

Free shipping within the USA.

If you are looking to add a gauge of some sort to your 2000-2005 Neon or 03-05 SRT-4, then this is a unique way to discreetly add a gauge. Not everyone wants an A Pillar pod to mount gauges, and so this is an option for you guys. This gauge pod replaces the upper half of your steering column. Simply installs with your OEM phillips screws.

This is 3d printed out of a high temperature filament, designed to tolerate very high temperatures. Printed here in the USA.

Fits all normal 2 1/16 inch sized gauges.

This pod does not come with the boost gauge shown in the first photo. That is just for illustrative purposes.

Steering Column Pod 00-05 Neon / SRT-4 , Gauge Pods: Store Name

Ask a Product Question

  • Anthony
    Would this fit on a PT Cruiser GT? Online the neon and pt upper steering column look like the same size.
    1 Answer
    • Customer Service Rep

      We have sold one of these to a PT Cruiser owner and he told us that he had to file out the hazard button to be larger but otherwise it was fine.